Terms & Conditions

Aerial view of a fishing boat in a river


  1. Information on how to enter and prize details forms part of these Terms & Conditions of Entry.
  2. This document constitutes the Terms and Conditions of Entry (Terms and Conditions) for the Million Dollar Fish Competition and associated prizes and/or promotions (Competition) being conducted by Northern Territory Major Events Company (NTMEC) in the Northern Territory of Australia with and on behalf of the Promotion NTMEC reserves the right to add Promotion Partners for the Competition from time to time.
  3. Entry into the Competition is deemed to be an acceptance of these Terms and Entries not complying with these Terms and Conditions are ineligible and NTMEC reserves its absolute right to disqualify any Entrant from the Competition if any entries and/or an Entrant’s conduct do not comply with the Terms and Conditions.
  4. The Competition is a game of skill requiring the eligible Entrant to use legal and reasonable methods as directed by NT Fisheries recreational fishing guidelines to recapture a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  5. All Entrants must be aged 18 years or older to be eligible to participate in the Competition.


  1. In these Terms and Conditions of Entry, unless the contrary intention appears, capitalized words and phrases have the following meanings:

Cash Prize Deposit” means a cash payment made by Sportsbet to an eligible Entrant who recaptures a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag in a manner that complies with the Terms and Conditions and are remitted to a nominated bank account.

Cash Prize Winner” shall mean each Entrant who recaptures a barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag during the Competition Period and in a manner compliant with the Terms and Conditions.

Cash Prize” means:

  • A specified number (usually between 20-105) of Barramundi with Sportsbet Fish Tag; each worth a Prize of AUD$10,000 cash; (or such other cash amount as might apply in respect of each fish for special promotions as specified by NTMEC in its sole discretion from time to time); and
  • At least 1x Barramundi with Sportsbet Fish Tag: each worth a major cash prize of AUD$1,000,000. For the avoidance of doubt, even though there may be more than one AUD$1m Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag in circulation during the Competition Period, there is only one (1) x AUD$1m Cash Prize. Once the major Cash Prize has been awarded – that is, an Entrant has caught a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag worth AUD$1m during the Competition Period, and it has been verified in accordance with Claim Verification Process – it is exhausted and the remaining Barramundi worth AUD$1m will then revert to being worth a cash prize of AUD$10,000 each.

Claim” means an Entrant who believes he or she has recaptured a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag and they are eligible to receive the relevant Cash Prize.

Commercial Fishing Vessel” means a fishing boat devoted to or in any way associated with the catching, processing or selling of fish for commercial purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, Commercial Fishing Vessel does not include a Recreational Fishing Charter Vessel or Tourism Charter Vessel.

Competition Entry Period” means the period commencing 1 September 2023 and ending 11.59pm on 30 April 2024 inclusive during which an Entrant can register to participate in the Competition via the www.milliondollarfish.com.au website.

Competition Period” means the following or such other dates as may be specified on the website and in these T&Cs from time to time:

  • In respect of the AUD$10,000 Cash Prizes, the period commencing 12:01am 1 October 2024 and ending at 11:59pm on 31 March 2025; and
  • in the case of the AUD$1,000,000 Cash Prizes, the period commencing 12:01am on 1 October 2024 and ending at 11:59pm on 31 March 2025.

Entrant Identification” means proof of the Entrant’s identity including, if requested by NTMEC, the provision of legal identification documentation.

Entrant” means a person who is eligible to participate in the Competition and has submitted a registration in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Entry via the www.milliondollarfish.com.au website and that registration has been accepted by NTMEC.

Family Members” means a spouse, de-facto spouse, parent, child, or sibling or in-law (whether full, half, step or by adoption).

Fisheries NT” means Department of Industry Tourism and Trade (DITT) in the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory of Australia.

InfoFish” means Infofish Australia Pty Ltd of 12 Mingoola Street, Murarrie Queensland 4172, Australia, which has been engaged as the independent company to verify claims for Sportsbet Fish Tag prizes.

Landing Net” means any shaped fishnet on a long handle to take a captured fish from the water.

Line Fishing” means a form of fishing involving a single line, which may or may not be contained by a rod or reel and may be a hand-held line and may only use accessories (rigs) such as hook(s) and/or sinker(s) and/or lure(s).

Net Fishing” means a form of fishing using a combination of lines weaved or woven in a grid-like structure of any size that is used to trap and catch single or multiple fish. This includes, but is not limited to, a “Drift Net”, “Cast Net”, “Gill Net”, “Seine”, “Trammel or Trammel Net”, “Trawl net”, “Dragnet” or “Trawl”.

Nominees” means any individual or entity nominated by NTMEC in connection with the conduct of the Competition including its Promotion Partners.

Personal Information” means and includes an Entrant’s full name, country of residence, age; email address, telephone number and how they heard about the competition.

Prize Claim Verification” means the verification process set out in Clauses 25, 26, 27 and 28 required to be met to win the Cash Prize.

Promotion Partner” means and includes Sportsbet Pty Ltd (ABN 87 088 326 612), Airnorth (28 008 137 559), Airport Development Group (ABN 22 085 961 520), Craig’s Fishing Warehouse (ABN 25 009 625 923), Carlton & United Breweries Pty Ltd (ABN 76 004 056 106), Engel Distribution Pty Ltd (ABN 75 092 513 874), Holidays of Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 44 148 001 969), Red Earth Automotive Pty Ltd Trading as Hidden Valley Ford (ABN 30 162 501 279), Shimano Australia Fishing Pty Ltd (ABN 81 002 102 392), Reidys Lures (ABN 98 965 079 889), Tourism Holdings Australia Pty Limited trading as Britz (ABN 94 001 789 957), Tourism Top End Incorporated (ABN 86 811 805 917), Tourism NT (ABN 17 435 764 236), the Trustee for Bigfish Gear Australia Unit Trust trading as Bigfish (ABN 62 494 815 663) and The Trustee for the Casuarina Investment Fund (ABN 28 815 802 041).

Recreational Fishing Charter Vessel” or “Tourism Charter Vessel” means a boat that is being used exclusively for recreational fishing in the course of an arrangement under which money or some other consideration is, or is required to be, paid or given by or on behalf of a person or persons for the right to fish from that boat.

RFID” means Radio Frequency Identification.

Setline, trawl, trawl line, trotline, spiller, and long-line” means a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks or lures attached to it.

Spear fishing” means any form of fishing involving a sharpened stick, wooden or metal pole or similar instrument.

Sportsbet Fish Tag” means the tag professionally attached to a barramundi fish by NTMEC’s independent contractor. The Sportsbet Fish Tag will be red in colour and include the words “Million Dollar Fish Competition” and include a numeric code from “S99101 to S9350” or such other codes as may be activated and specified on the website from time to time (it will also include the reactivation of the nine (9) pre-nominated Major Prize barramundi from Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) and the telephone number 1800 077 001 for Entrants to call for Prize Claim Verification.”

Website” means the world wide web domain ofwww.milliondollarfish.com.au.


  1. Entry into the Competition is open to any person who meets the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. All Employees and Family Members of Employees of Sportsbet Pty Ltd (being the underwriter of the Cash Prizes in the Competition and witness of Sportsbet Fish Tag release locations) and of NTMEC (being the promoter of the Competition) are not eligible to enter the Competition.
  3. NTMEC’s Nominees, Promotion Partners, sponsors, agents or agencies associated with the Competition are eligible to enter the Competition unless the individual has been directly involved with the Competition planning, or the fish capture tag and release process which may deem the Entrant to have gained an advantage in identifying a location and recapturing a fish tagged with a Sportsbet Fish In reviewing and deciding whether an Entrant has gained any specific advantage by way of an Entrant’s involvement as an NTMEC Nominee, a Promotion Partner, a sponsor, or an agent or agency associated with the Competition, NTMEC and its Nominees have sole and absolute discretionary in accordance with the Competition Terms and Condition and any decision will be final, binding and non-reviewable.
  4. Entry into the Competition is free. Entrants must bear their own costs to participate in the Competition.
  5. Entrants must complete the registration process at the milliondollarfish.com.au website to be eligible to participate in the Competition. Only one (1) standard entry per person. The registration must be accepted by NTMEC in order for an individual to qualify to win a Cash Prize.
  6. Entry into the Competition will be available via the milliondollarfish.com.au website during the Competition Entry Period.
  7. All Entrants must provide Entrant Identification consistent with the Terms and Conditions, if requested by NTMEC, to be awarded a Cash Prize.


  1. The Competition will be staged during the Competition Period.
  2. No Prizes will be awarded in circumstances where an Entrant catches or presents a barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag outside of the Competition Period.


  1. Entrants acknowledge that there may be inherent risks in participating in the Competition and that participation may involve potentially dangerous activities and risk to property, personal safety or death. Entrants accept all risks in participating in the Competition and forever release and will not hold NTMEC or its Nominees (including Sportsbet, Promotion Partners or sponsors), liable for any damage to property, personal injury or death incurred in connection with participating in the Competition.
  2. Entrants acknowledge and agree that NTMEC and its Nominees (including Sportsbet, Promotion Partners or sponsors):
  • accept no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, delayed, illegible, corrupted or misdirected Entries, Claims or correspondence whether due to error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or
  • have no control over communication networks or services, the Internet, or computer or telephone networks or lines and accepts no responsibility for any problems associated with them, whether due to traffic congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise; and
  • are not liable for any consequences of defects or errors including in connection with the Competition’s automated entry process, defect in any connectivity to the site or any device or software.


  1. An Entrant must have completed a valid registration at the milliondollarfish.com.au website and complied with these Terms and Conditions before presenting any Claim for a Sportsbet Tagged Fish Cash Prize.
  2. At the time of Competition launch, Entrants do not require a Recreational Fishing License in the Northern Territory but must comply with any changes in laws during the Permits are required if entering Aboriginal Land and permits may also be required for access to tidal waters overlying Aboriginal Land for fishing purposes. Information on permit requirements is available from the Northern Land Council on 1800 645 299 or by visiting the website www.nlc.org.au.
  3. Entrants must comply with the NT Fisheries rules and legislation for recreational fishing, details of which can be found at: Recreational fishing | NT.GOV.AU.
  4. Line Fishing is the only accepted fishing technique that may be used by Entrants to catch a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag. An Entrant may also use a Landing Net in combination with Line Fishing. Other capturing or fishing methods are not permitted and will result in immediate disqualification.
  5. NTMEC and its Nominees can, at their discretion, undertake an investigation into the fishing technique used to catch a Barramundi tagged with a Sportsbet Fish tag and will determine in their absolute discretion whether the fish was caught utilising the Line Fishing technique.
  6. Subject to clause 23, the Competition is not open to Commercial Fishing Vessels. NTMEC and its Nominees will determine in their absolute discretion whether a vessel constitutes a Commercial Fishing Vessel for the purposes of the Competition.
  7. A Recreational Fishing Charter Vessel or Tourism Charter Vessel used by an Entrant is permitted as an eligible vessel to participate in the Competition. An Entrant may be required to prove that a vessel used in connection with the Competition is a Recreational Fishing Charter Vessel or Tourism Charter Vessel.
  8. When an Entrant, in a manner compliant with these Terms and Conditions, catches a Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag, the Entrant must then proceed with the Prize Claim Verification process to qualify for the relevant Cash Prize.
  9. The Prize Claim Verification process will include and require the Entrant with a Claim to meet the following requirements:
  • The Entrant must not remove the Sportsbet Fish Tag. If the Sportsbet Fish Tag is covered with algae, please remove the algae from the Sportsbet Fish Tag before proceeding with photographs.
  • The Entrant must take a photograph of the fish and Sportsbet Fish Tag in a manner compliant with the sample photographs set- out on the Website. Sample photographs can be accessed on milliondollarfish.com.au. There are three key photographs required. The Entrant must not clean, gut or scale the fish prior to taking the photographs and must leave the Sportsbet Fish Tag in place when taking the photographs. (1). One photograph must clearly display the front of the fish. (2). One photograph must be taken of the fish on a fish mat, or alongside a ruler or alongside a tape measure to clearly display the length of the fish and be laid out in a manner to display the fish tag. (3). One close-up photo of the Sportsbet Fish Tag to verify the tag number is also required.
  • The Entrant must telephone 1800 077 001 and quote the unique code on the Sportsbet Fish Tag to register the Claim and to verify the Cash Prize Value (if any).
  • The Entrant must send or upload the photographs of the fish to MDrecapture@infofishaustralia.com.au for verification by InfoFish.
  • The Entrant must retain the fish and tag for final verification in accordance with Clause 27.
  • The Entrant is responsible for delivery of the fish and Sportsbet Fish Tag for final verification in accordance with Clause 27 to NTMEC’s Darwin based office: Level 2, 16 Bennett Street, Darwin City, NT 0800, unless the Entrant request alternate arrangements have been made with NTMEC.
  • NTMEC representatives will undertake verification using a custom RFID reader in accordance with Clause 27.
  1. The Entrant accepts the final advice provided by InfoFish to NTMEC and Sportsbet and such advice will be final, binding in the determination of the awarding of a Cash Prize Winner:
  • If InfoFish deem at their discretion the fish to have been caught using a method other than Line Fishing, the Entrant will be disqualified from receiving the relevant Cash Prize.
  • If InfoFish deem at their discretion the fish displayed in the photograph uploaded by the Entrant in accordance with Clause 25(d) is not the original fish tagged with a Sportsbet Fish Tag, the Entrant will be disqualified from receiving the relevant Cash Prize.
  1. Subject to completing the Claim Verification Process and these Terms and Conditions, the Entrant will be declared a Cash Prize Winner upon final verification using a custom RFID If the Sportsbet Fish Tag does not validate using the custom RFID reader, the Entrant will be disqualified from receiving the relevant Cash Prize. The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to keep a winning fish and tag including (without limitation) to preserve the fish and keep it in storage. Each Entrant agrees that there may be Barramundi in circulation outside of the Competition Period and/or when the Competition ends. For the avoidance of any doubt, any Barramundi with a Sportsbet Fish Tag that is caught outside the Competition Period (for example once the Competition Period has ended of the Competition ceases) is void and is not entitled to win a Cash Prize. Any evidence of tampering or manipulation or destruction of the Sportsbet Fish Tag will automatically disqualify any Entrant from receiving the relevant Cash Prize.
  2. If there is evidence of the Entrant using a fishing method other than the method other than permitted under these Terms and Conditions, the Entrant will be disqualified from receiving the relevant Cash Prize.
  3. A Cash Prize Winner agrees, at NTMEC’s request, to participate in all promotional activity (such as publicity and photography) surrounding this competition or the winning of any prize, free of charge, and they consent to NTMEC, its related bodies and Nominees using the Cash Prize Winner’s name and image in promotional Without limitation, Entrants consent to being broadcast, filmed, photographed, interviewed or otherwise recorded without compensation while participating in this Competition, or in taking or using any prize, and they consent to NTMEC’s repeating any such broadcast, film or other recording at any time worldwide and in perpetuity. Any photographs taken by a Cash Prize Winner become the Property of NTMEC, its related bodies or Nominees for promotional purposes.
  4. NTMEC may in its sole discretion advertise and run related promotions in respect of Sportsbet Fish Tags and Cash Prizes (for example, and without limitation, “Double Your Dough” and “Buddy Bonus”). Such related promotions and any prizes, as advertised on milliondollarfish.com.au that form part of the Competition, are governed by these Terms and Conditions or may refer to separate Terms and Conditions as advertised on www.milliondollarfish.com.au.


  1. It is a term of entry that each Entrant agrees to NTMEC collecting Personal Information about the Entrant.


  1. Personal Information will be collected, managed and administered to communicate with Entrants (including by email) and to comply with legal and regulatory obligations and for marketing and ancillary purposes.
  2. By entering the Competition, unless otherwise advised by the Entrant, each Entrant consents to the retention and use of his/her Personal Information by NTMEC and its Nominees. For details about who NTMEC are and how NTMEC uses Personal Information and what your rights are under Australian privacy laws, please see the NTMEC Privacy Policy, which is available at milliondollarfish.com.au. Uses may include future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes without any further reference or payment or other compensation to the Entrant, or distribution of marketing materials for goods or services from NTMEC or its Nominees.
  3. An Entrant may choose to opt-out of correspondence issued by NTMEC by following the opt-out instructions available in the communication. Opt-out of correspondence will not constitute an Entrant being disqualified from participating in the Competition.
  4. An Entrant who receives correspondence from NTMEC’s Nominees may choose to opt-out of correspondence issued by a Nominee by following the opt-out instructions available in the communication.
  5. If NTMEC discloses Personal Information to a Nominee or third party, NTMEC will require the Nominee or third party to protect the Entrant’s Personal Information in a manner compliant with the laws of the Northern Territory of Australia and relevant Australian federal legislation.


  1. Personal Information is collected from a person completing the Website registration as an Entrant and is required by NTMEC as a condition of participation in the
  2. Entrants consent to NTMEC publishing their name or alias and any Cash Prize winning results in the ‘Prizes’ section of the Website if NTMEC so NTMEC will not be held responsible for any loss of reputation, status or otherwise of an Entrant in connection with the publication of an Entrant’s Personal Information.
  3. Any tax liability or associated legislative or regulatory requirement arising as a result of accepting a Cash Prize is the sole responsibility of the Cash Prize Winner.
  4. If a Cash Prize winner requires currency conversion to accept payment of a Cash Prize, the winner accepts that any fees payable to any financial institution or other money exchange will be the responsibility of the Cash Prize winner and such fees may be deducted from the Cash Prize as part of payment of the Cash Prize.


  1. In the event there is a dispute or issue concerning or in any way arising out of or in relation to any aspect of the conduct, management or determination about the Competition, the decision of NTMEC and/or its Nominee is final, binding and non-reviewable, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  2. The Competition is governed by the Laws of the Northern Territory of Australia. An Entrant agrees to be bound by the Laws of the Northern Territory and to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Northern Territory in the event of any dispute successfully brought before a Court.
  3. NTMEC reserves the right to change, add or alter any of the terms and conditions (including adding more prizes but not reducing the number of existing prizes) if in the absolute discretion of NTMEC it is in the interest of the Competition or is otherwise desirable, and such change will be notified to the Entrant by being placed on the Website and each Entrant will be bound by such change, addition or alteration to the Terms and Conditions.
  4. These Terms and Conditions form the basis of an agreement made between NTMEC and all Entrants which is made and entered into in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Multiple ways to win

There are multiple ways to win big with Million Dollar Fish! If you reel in a verified tagged barra, you could take home huge cash prizes of up to a million bucks. By simply registering, you’ll also go into our Lucky Prize Pool draw, where every month we’ll be giving away epic prizes from our partners!

Ready to begin your adventure?

Season 9 begins in


Acknowledgement to Country

Northern Territory Major Events Company respectfully acknowledges the past, present and emerging Traditional Owners of the beautiful land on which we live, work and gather. We respect the cultural practices and traditions of our hosts, recognise the importance of sustainably caring for our country, and commit to being respectful visitors to traditional lands.

© Million Dollar Fish - 2024ABN: 17 435 764 236